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UNICEF - Hawliau Plant / Children's Rights

Rydym yn falch iawn i fod yn ysgol AUR Hawliau Plant / We are proud to be a GOLD Rights Respecting School

Beth yw hawliau plant? What are child rights?

What are child rights?? Brother and sister duo Jack and Ruby explore the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which guides all of UNICEF's work.

We've All Got Rights

'We've all got rights' is a fantastic song and animation by children and staff from Crosby High School, a Unicef UK Rights Respecting School in Liverpool.

Polly Parot yn Parchu Hawliau Plant

Mae'r Comisiynydd Plant Cymru yma i sicrhau bod holl blant a phobl ifanc Cymru yn dod i wybod am eu hawliau. Mae'r hawliau hyn yn bethau sydd angen ar blant a phobl ifanc i fod yn ddiogel, yn iach ac yn hapus. Mae gan y Cenhedloedd Unedig restr o'r holl hawliau sydd gan blant. Enw'r rhestr hon yw Confensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau'r Plentyn, neu CCUHP yn fyr.
The Children's Commissioner for Wales is there to make sure that all children and young people in Wales find out about their rights. These rights are the things that children need to be safe, healthy and happy. The United Nations has a list of all the rights that children have. The list is called the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, or UNCRC for short.

Enillydd Cystadleuaeth Masgot Hawliau Plant / Children's Rights Mascot Winner!!!

This Is Me : Article 31 and a Child's Right to Play

Arfer Adferol / Restorative Practice


Rydyn ni'n ysgol Arfer Adferol. 

Dyma manteision defnyddio Arfer Adferol:

  • gwella ymddygiad plant yn y dosbarth
  • creu perthynas cryf rhwng disgyblion a staff
  • gwella perthnasau rhwng disgyblion, staff a rhieni
  • lleihau y nifer o faterion sy'n codi
  • galluogi plant i ddelio gyda faterion a'i helpu i ganolbwyntio ar eu gwaith
  • gwella presenoldeb ac ymddygiad
  • annog plant ac oedolion i gymryd cyfrifoldeb dros eu gweithredoedd


We are a Restorative Practice School.

What are the benefits of restorative practice?

  • making a difference to pupil behaviour in classrooms;
  • creating strong working relationships between pupils and staff developing calm classroom environments;
  • improving relationships between staff, pupils and parents;
  • reducing the number of issues;
  • allowing children to deal with issues which are distracting them from learning – making them happier coming to school;
  • improving attendance and behaviour;
  • encouraging children and adults to take responsibility for their actions and
  • creating an environment in which students feel safe and secure.



Gwerthusiad Arfer Adferol yn Abertawe / Restorative Practice Evaluation in Swansea