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Gwybodaeth i Rieni/ Information for Parents

Llythyr Ysgol Goed ac Ymarfer Corff/ Forest School and P.E Letter

Pob Penwythnos bydd Dewi a Dilys Draig yn mynd adref gyda plentyn o'r Dosbarth/ Every Weekend we will send Dilys and Dewi Draig home with someone in the Reception class

Gallwch ysgrifennu/tynnu lluniau o weithgareddau Dewi/Dilys dros y penwythnos. Byddwn yn trafod anturiaethau Dewi a Dilys yn ystod amser Grŵp.

Please help your child to draw a picture, write or take a photograph of Dewi/Dilys' activities over the weekend. We will be discussing Dewi and Dilys' weekend adventures during group time