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Iaith, Llythrennedd a Chyfathrebu / Language, Literacy and Communication

Wythnos 4 / Week 4:


Ffocws wythnos hon yw ein sgiliau gwrando.  Beth am ymarfer drwy chwarae gêm o "Mae Simon yn dweud..."? Gwrandewch yn astud ar y cyfarwyddiadau, ond cofiwch, os nad ydych chi'n clywed "Mae Simon yn dweud...", peidiwch dilyn y cyfarwyddyd!


This week we will be focusing on our listening skills.  How about practising by playing a game of "Mae Simon yn dweud..." ("Simon Says...")?  Listen carefully for the instructions, but remember, if you don't hear "Mae Simon yn dweud...", don't follow the instruction!


Cyfarwyddiadau posib / Possible instructions:


Eisteddwch - Sit

Codwch - Stand

Troellwch - Spin

Neidiwch - Jump

Hopiwch - Hop

Dawnsiwch - Dance

Clapiwch - Clap

Nodiwch - Nod

Stampiwch - Stamp

Cropiwch - Crawl


Efallai gallwch ychwanegu elfen rhifedd, trwy nodi sawl gwaith dylech chi wneud pob cyfarwyddyd? "unwaith, dwywaith a.y.y.b"


Perhaps you could add a numeracy element by stating how many times you should do each instruction?

"unwaith" (once), "dwywaith" (twice), then say each number and "gwaith" for more.



Wythnos 3 / Week 3:


Mae'r Pasg ar y ffordd, felly beth am ddylunio ac ysgrifennu cerdyn Pasg i rywun?  Dyma ambell beth i'ch helpu:


Easter is on the way, so how about designing and writing an Easter card for someone? Here are some things to help you:

Wythnos 2 / Week 2:


Wythnos hon, beth am ymarfer eich geirfa Cymraeg gyda gêm o "Mi welaf i gyda'n llygaid bach i?".  Gallwch chwarae hwn o gwmpas y tŷ neu wrth fynd am dro bob dydd.  Bydd y gêm yn helpu'r plant i wneud cysylltiadau rhwng synau llythrennau a gwrthrychau o'u cwmpas. Dyma ambell dudalen geirfa i chi:


This week, how about practising Welsh vocabulary with a game of "I Spy"? You could play this around the house or on a walk each day.  The game will help the children make connections between letter sounds and the objects around them. Here are some vocabulary sheets to help you:


"Mi welaf i gyda'n llygaid bach i, rhywbeth yn dechrau gyda....."

"I spy with my little eye, something beginning with..."

Wythnos 1 / Week 1:

Dyma i chi adnoddau Llythrennedd Wythnos 1 gyda'r ffocws o ffurfio patrymau a llythrennau. 

Here are the resources for Week 1 where the focus will be on forming patterns and letters.