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Rhifedd / Numeracy

Wythnos 6 / Week 6:


Rwy'n gobeithio cawsoch chi gyd Hanner Tymor hapus a chyfle i fwynhau'r haul hyfryd!  Wythnos hon, beth am archwilio'r cysyniad o gymesuredd gyda phaent?  Er mwyn creu'r pili pala o stori'r Lindysyn Llwglyd, paentiwch un ochr o bapur gyda siap adenydd y pili pala, yna plygwch y papur yn hanner.  Beth sy'n digwydd pan rydych chi'n agor y papur?  Fedrwch chi greu unrhyw batrymau eraill?


I hope you all had a happy Half Term and a chance to enjoy the lovely sunshine!  This week, how about exploring the concept of symmetry using paint?  To make the butterfly from the Very Hungry Caterpillar story, paint one side of the butterfly's wings, then fold the paper in half.  What happens when you open up the paper?  Can you make any other patterns?

Wythnos 5 / Week 5:


Beth am ddechrau ymarfer bondiau rhif hyd at 10?  Dyma her isod i chi drio!


How about starting to practice number bonds to 10?  Here is a challenge for you to try!

Wythnos 4 / Week 4:


Ydych chi'n gallu creu gwesty trychfilod ar gyfer y trychfilod yn yr ardd neu wrth fynd am dro?  Pa fath o bryfed hoffech chi weld yn byw yno?  Beth am drafod sut yr ydych chi'n adeiladu'r gwesty gan ddefnyddio'r geirfa isod?  Mae ambell syniad i'ch helpu hefyd.


Can you make a bug hotel for the insects that are in your garden or that you see on a walk?  Which insects would you like to see living there?  You could use the vocabulary below to discuss how you might build the hotel.  There are some ideas to help you too.


ar ben - on top

o dan - under

wrth ymyl - beside

tu fewn - inside

ar draws - across

draw - over

tu allan - outside

trwy - through

Wythnos 3 / Week 3:


Edrychwch ar y rhestr wirio o bryfed isod.  Wrth i chi dreulio amser yn yr ardd neu fynd am dro, sawl un ohonynt ydych chi'n gallu darganfod?  Gwnewch un marc yn y bocs ar gyfer pob un y gwelwch.  Ydych chi'n gallu cyfri sawl un gwelsoch chi i gyd?


Take a look at the checklist of insects below.  Whilst you are spending time in the garden or are out on a walk, how many of each one can you spot?  Make one mark in the box for each one that you see. Can you count how many you spotted in total?

Wythnos 2 / Week 2:


Ydych chi'n gallu creu a dilyn patrymau gwahanol?  Edrychwch ar y lindys isod.  Ydych chi'n gallu copio a parhau gyda'r patrymau?  Mae ambell syniad isod hefyd i'ch helpu.


Can you create and follow different patterns?  Look at the caterpillars below. Can you copy and continue the patterns?  There are some other ideas below to help you too.


Wythnos 1 / Week 1:


Wythnos yma, ein ffocws yw adnabod symbolau rhifau 0-10.


Dechreuwch gydag adnabod rhifau 0-3.  Yna, pan rydych chi'n hyderus gydag adnabod rhain, ymarferwch y rhifau 0-5.  Pan fyddwch chi'n barod am her hyd yn oed yn fwy, ymarferwch rhifau 0-10!


Cofiwch, does dim rhaid i chi stopio ar 10, os ydych chi'n hyderus, cariwch ymlaen!


Mae ambell syniad i'ch helpu isod:


This week, we are concentrating on recognising number symbols from 0-10.


You can start by ensuring that you are confident with recognising numbers 0-3.  Then, when you are confident with these, practice the numbers 0-5.  When you're ready for even more of a challenge, practice the numbers 0-10!


Remember, you don't need to stop at 10, if you feel confident you can keep going! 


There are some ideas to help you below: